AMAR (Andalas Management Review) 2024-03-08T03:41:40-05:00 Syafrizal Open Journal Systems <p align="justify"><img style="width: 247px; height: 350px;" src="/public/site/images/redaksi/cover-amar-5.png" align="left"></p> <p><strong>AMAR (Andalas Management Review)</strong>, with registered number&nbsp;<strong><a title="ISSN AMAR Online" href=";1470960718&amp;1&amp;&amp;">ISSN 2548-155X</a></strong>&nbsp;(Online) and&nbsp;<a title="ISSN AMAR Print" href=";1445263704&amp;1&amp;&amp;"><strong>ISSN 2476-9282&nbsp;</strong></a>(Print), is a peer-reviewed journal published twice a year (May and November) by The Management Institute, Faculty of Economics, Universitas Andalas. AMAR is intended to be the journal for publishing articles reporting the results of research on business and management.&nbsp;AMAR journal was first published online in 2019.</p> <p>AMAR (Andalas Management Review) is an open-access journal published by The Management Institute, Faculty of Economics, Universitas Andalas. It aims at becoming a platform to disseminate high quality empirical as well as conceptual academic works. AMAR focuses on these following topics: 1. Marketing strategy, 2. Entrepreneurial marketing, 3. Consumer behavior,&nbsp; 4. Small business management, 5. New product development, 6. Leadership and innovation, 7. Entrepreneurial Management, 8. Public sector reform, 9. Organizational performance, 10. Financial behavior, 11. Islamic finance.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Implementation of The Balanced Scorecard In Improving The Performance of University Business Incubator (Case Study : Inkubator Bisnis Teknologi Universitas Andalas) 2024-01-23T14:16:58-05:00 Prima Fithri Alizar Hasan Fandy Triawan Ikhwan Arief Asmuliardi Muluk <p><strong></strong></p> <p><em>Andalas University has a business incubator unit called the Technology Business Incubator (InBisTek)</em><em>&nbsp;</em><em>Andalas University. This study aims to formulate Key Performance Indicators and measure the performance of Inbistek Andalas University in assisting tenants. Performance measurement is carried out using the Balanced Scorecard method which consists of: on four perspectives namely internal business process perspective, growth and learning perspective, financial perspective, and tenants perspective. Performance measurement is carried out using data obtained from direct observation, questionnaires, and interview directly with the Andalas University Inbistek. KPI formulation is followed by a validation step,so that 31 selected KPIs were obtained. Furthermore, the selected KPIs are continued with weighting to determine the level interest in each KPI through a pairwise comparison questionnaire with the Analytical Hierarchy Process method. Then the performance measurement is carried out according to the perspective on the Balanced Scorecard. Obtained results of performance measurement Andalas University Institute of Technology as a whole is 3.4 which is included in the good category. Based on the results performance measurement, there are 5 KPIs with poor performance category, 5 KPIs with fairly good performance category, 12 KPIs withgood performance category, and 9 KPIs with very good performance category.</em><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p> 2024-01-23T00:00:00-05:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Donation-Based Crowdfunding During Covid-19 Pandemic 2024-02-17T00:05:57-05:00 Yuni Nustini Tiyas Kurnia Sari <p><em>This</em> <em>study</em> <em>aims</em> <em>to</em> <em>determine</em> <em>the factors that influence the decision to donate through crowdfunding. The factors studied include the ease of the system, religiosity, social spirit, reputation, security, and influencers with trust in management as a mediating variable and their influence on the decision to donate through crowdfunding. This study adopted the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) to develop the research model. The sample in this study amounted to 300 respondents with a convenience sampling technique. Primary data that is processed comes from answers to questionnaires distributed to respondents via Google Forms. Data were analyzed using the statistical software Smart PLS Version 3.3.5. The results of this study indicate that the ease of the system and trust have an influence on the decision to become a donor on the crowdfunding platform. Religion and social spirit do not influence the decision to become a donor on the crowdfunding platform. Reputation, security and influencers influence the trustworthiness of managing a crowdfunding platform.</em></p> 2024-02-16T22:06:01-05:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Factors That Influence Intention to Adopt Mobile Shopping in Marketplace 2024-02-16T22:14:52-05:00 Dudi Anandya Geraldus Grady Gavindra Indarini Indarini <p><em>The economic industry has been affected by digitalization which has grown rapidly. This growth opens up new opportunities in industrial processes including in transaction and shopping methods. One of the growing transactions is mobile shopping. This study aims to determine the factors that can influence the intention to adopt mobile shopping on the Tokopedia application with a scope in Surabaya. The intention to adopt mobile shopping variable examined in this research is influenced by: attitude toward mobile shopping, subjective norm, self-efficacy, trust, perceived risk, and perceived cost. This study used data sources from online questionnaires and had 273 data from respondents who met the criteria. This respondent data was processed through SPSS 24 and AMOS Graphics 22 software using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) techniques. The results of data processing show that attitude toward mobile shopping, self-efficacy, trust, perceived cost are factors that influence intention to adopt mobile shopping on the Tokopedia application in Surabaya.</em></p> 2024-02-16T00:00:00-05:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## FINANCIAL LITERACY AND INCLUSION TOWARDS MSME’S PERFORMANCE IN CIWIDEY SUB-DISTRICT 2024-03-08T03:41:40-05:00 Nura Nugraha Ellen Rusliati Erik Syawal Alghifari <p><em>Purpose: This study aims to find out the influence of financial literacy and inclusion towards MSME’s financial performance in Ciwidey Sub-district. Methods: Methods used in this study are descriptive and verification with the number of samples as much as 60 respondents. Analysis data: The test on research instrument uses validity and reliability test, while technique on data analysis uses multiple linier regression, double correlation and coefficient of determination. &nbsp;The test result showed that the entire statements written in the questionnaire were valid and reliable. Results and discussion: The result of verification analysis showed that simultaneously, financial literacy and inclusion give positive and significant impacts to MSME’s financial performance as much as 66.9%, while partially, financial literacy gives positive and significant impact as much as 48.50% and financial inclusion as much as 18.40% on financial performance. Conclusion: The level of financial literacy, financial inclusion, and MSME’s financial performance on MSME’s businessmen in Ciwidey Sub-district were on the category of deficient; since there were a lot of indicators which were below average score and needed to be improved. Financial literacy had more positive significant effect on MSME’s financial performance than financial inclusion. </em></p> 2024-03-08T03:41:39-05:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement##